Imagine how much time you spend in your day asking "why this?" or "why that?". How much time do you spend asking why about things that really do not matter in terms of the ROI of your professional or personal time.?
I am focused on being more productive this year, and here is what I ask myself at least once a day (don't worry, no one answers):
- I am asking why about something I can't control?
- Is it worth my time to find out why?
- Am I expecting to find a logical answer to the question why from a person who is illogical or is not known for their honesty?
- Am I asking why in an e-mail?
- Am I asking the right person why?
- Is there actually a reason for an event or circumstance?
If I answer yes to any of the above I need to move on with my day or make a phone call (4. above)