You learn something each day..... I just learned that Google employees are able to donate their Vacation Days to one another. What do you think?
Vacation day donation
I think this works and serves the greater good if it is to assist someone with an illness or illness in the family.
My husband works at a hospital and they allow donations as well. It seems like it would be a GREAT benefit for the company, working off the vacation accrual rather then paying out ST or LT disability? Am I thinking of this the wrong way?
We have discussed doing this and haven't figured out how to make it equitable. Is this hour for hour or dollar for dollar? We definitely would like to use it for long term illness, emergencies, death in family etc. Gives everyone a way to contribute to the well being of a co-worker.
We have used donated vacation hours when the situation was appropriate; employee illness or that of a family member. Probably a half dozen occurrences in the 11 years I have worked here (250 employees). While it is on my shoulders to administer, the employees on the receiving end have always been most grateful. We transfer hour for hour.