Should you include failed business ventures on your resume?
Business succeed and fail. Some while you are there, others after you go. While we all work under the guise of the "Going Concern Principle", like life, things change.
As such, yes, I believe you should. Most of my employers from the first 2/3rds of my work life are gone (fortunately for me, long after I left). I'd have very little to show if I didn't include them.
I believe that many of my best lessons were from think going wrong. Here's a blog post on how to position the failed ventures or events on your resume and interviews.
An interesting aside, I met a venture investor who asked me about my failed deals - they would only invest in people who had failed at least once. Then you know what to look for and not get caught off guard!
Hope this helps.
Embracing Your "Dark" Side - A Perspective in Pitching Yourself