This topic has come up a few times at networking events I've attended. The opinions are varied. 1. Resumes: What do you believe to be the best format (in no particular order)?
Version 1
- Taglines (branding)
- Use of Color and "modern fonts"
- Summary Section
- Functional points (limited)
- Company/Title/Years highlights core competencies
- Use of buzzwords and slick
Version 2
- Summary Section
- Functional bullet points
- Company/Title/Years
- Standard fonts w/bolding
Version 3
- Summary
- Company/TItle/Years highlights core competencies
- Standard fonts w/bolding
Version 4
Some type of hybrid
2. Leave Behinds
Creation of marketing sheet highlighting the candidates business life that can be left at the end of an interview. What is the collective thought process from those who have been on both sides of the hiring process. What may be useful is if you have a unique format of resume, change the names, dates to protect all involved and share said formating.