We are having trouble getting workers at $13 - $14/hr pay plus benefits. Thinking of creating part time positions at $15-$16/hr for 24-30 hrs. weekly without benefits. My HR manager thinks bad idea, current full timers will be upset with others making higher base hourly rate even though total comp is less. Thoughts/experiences with this concept? Non union plant.

Part Time vs Full TIme
What about offering existing staff extra hours? An increase of an hour a day takes them to 45hrs/week, a 12.5% increase in comp (at normal hourly rate, not O/T rate).
Then hire fewer part timers, pay them what you need to pay -without benefits. Then show HR and any other person the rationale and explain how a fulltimer with benefits has a more valuable deal than a part timer without (do it as a "Net Pay" model for a worker, not as a comparison of total cost to the employer).
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Human Capital