We are reviewing our company handbook and I was wondering what the market is seeing in terms of parental leave. Specific questions: - Does you company require a specific tenure period be reached before providing paid leave to new parents? - How much do you provide for maternity (or primary caregiver) vs. paternity (or non-primary caregiver)? Any concerns with FMLA overlap with generous leave policies? Thanks in advance for your time should you respond.
Parental Leave.
Per our company rules
eligibility: one year of full time work before employee gets eligible
Total of upto 6 months leave allowed. Out of this 12 weeks are FMLA eligible.
No difference between Maternity vs Paternity - same rules (sounds fun right?)
Employee can use their accrued PTO, sick leave or can opt for non paid leave
Leave can be continuous or intermittent (depends on employees' preferences and needs)
Once approved, employee can start using parental leave 15 days before birth due date
Some will use it, others will abuse it
I hope its helpful
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Human Capital