What are the cultural challenges faced by virtual teams?
Unless video conferencing (and even then) is an active part of communication, one misses the unique one-to-one/one-to-many/many-to-many relationships that are built on multiple levels when personal face-to-face interaction occurs.
Time zone differences
Levels of written correspondence loosing touch with the reader (i.e., you don't communicate well; they don't receive the communication).
BTW, I have had extremely successful results while working 100% virtually (even before video was affordable and easily accessible).
Remote Working Arrangements / Virtual Teams historically have two drawbacks–
Issue 1 – Employee Exclusion - “Employees in virtual environments may develop perceptions of exclusion or isolation due to their need to rely on
Issue 2 – Remote Responsiveness - “Some remote employees struggle when attempting to coordinate their work with their managers and other employees or when attempting to receive timely feedback.” (Cornell University study Remote Work: An Examination of Current Trends and Emerging Issues Spring 2011)
Just consider these issues in your approach and you will be fine. The business approach works well with proper planning.
I would agree with the comments above and also add that you lose the
However, I have worked in virtual environments and have had success with them as well (even before video conferencing) which resulted from constant communication.
If you're managing virtual teams across borders, in addition to the responses above, setting expectations of the role and "project managing" the work are key. This may take a "few" iterations until you are on the "same page" . (India, China, Mexico and Eastern Europe).