I am hoping to find a good jobs board platform. In the past we were very low tech, and while our jobs board was functional it did not reflect the image we wanted. We went with a third party provider and they looked very professional, unfortunatley we soon found out we are not allowed to let a third party provider do that for us. We are allowed to do it ourselves, but with no real computer/IT professionals on staff we are somewhat limited in what we can reasonably do. I was wondering if anyone knows of any software or canned platforms out there that could be purchased to provide a great looking jobs board that an average computer user/admin staff could maintain? We need it to look great and have some additional features such as helping members build resumes, etc.
Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Jobs Board Platform
Hiredesk is the platform we use. Great workflow and candidate search and it puts a job board on your website (if that's what you want) that people can apply through (or they can use email to apply via listings on Monster or other sites). We really like it and it looks good enough to satisfy us, but perhaps your standards are higher :).
I typed in hiredesk in my browser and got talenttech. It looks like a ATS. Is that what you're looking for, Saul?
It's an ATS (applicant tracking system) and a job board together. And yes, TalentTech is the company, Hiredesk is the product.
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Human Capital