I have a client who offers a basic health insurance program for EE's with EE Only, EE+Dependents, and Family coverage. The company recently received a letter stating there is a court order requiring EE to provide health insurance for children in the support order. The EE refuses to complete and sign the health insurance paperwork because he doesn't want the extra costs to come out of his pay. They don't have all the information necessary to complete the insurance paperwork without the EE's assistance, and he's NOT authorizing the company to withhold from his pay. I've neither experienced nor heard of an instance like this: what should I advise my client to do? Thank you for any insights you can provide.

How to handle EE Support Order requiring health insurance, but EE refuses to sign paperwork?
Go back to the health insurer/broker and advise them of the employee's refusal.
They may need to produce the court order to you. Presumably the letter you mention is not a court order/garnishment order?
If the employee disobeys a court order, they may be liable for charges of contempt of court.
Don't act against the employee until you talk to a labor lawyer.
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Human Capital