How do I identify mentor candidates to help me in my career? Once I identify them how do I engage them?
Great question! I always encourage my clients to seek out mentors, both internally and externally.
You are looking for someone who is one or two steps above you, has achieved the kind of success you are seeking, and has great contacts and engages with his network. If this person is internal, suggestions include a boss, board member, or a leader of another division. If external, target a seasoned executive within your industry with whom you already have a relationship.
Moving the relationship from professional contact to mentor can be as easy as making the request. Many senior-level executives recognize the value of mentoring and being mentored, so the concept is understood and as well as the benefits to both of you.
Before you take the step of making the request, though, you should be clear about what it is you are seeking from the relationship and be able to clearly articulate it. Wasting the time of a potential mentor probably won’t yield the result(s) you want.