I'm a 43 year old
If I could get a leave from my current employer, where I'm not a partner, I'd take it. If not, I would just give notice. I haven't been out of work since college and generally have some fear about being unemployed for longer than I'd like after I get back.
I could financially afford the year off. If I took longer, I'd probably have to dip into retirement savings.
At this point, I'm not really willing to relocate just to find a job. But, who knows... that could change. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
My plan is to sell my house and most of my possessions and see North America in an RV with my fiance. Depending on the house sale, I may have a little more or little less savings.
My rationalization of this move
What do you think? Am I mistaking the need for a long vacation for something more? Would it hurt my career to have to explain my year (or year plus time to find a job) off? If I can't get a leave from my current job and thus be assured of a job when I get back (if I want it), is it crazy to just up and quit? Have you ever done anything like this and what did you find out that you didn't know first?
Oh, and I'd like to get my leave of absence or give notice as soon as possible. I am not going through another