January 2015 was balanced and "closed", with a balanced trial balance. In February something in the inventory module posted to January. How is it possible to post anything to a "closed" month?

GP Posting to closed month
That's a real enigma:). Can you consult your system's user manual on exactly how it manages period closings. Some systems allow sub ledgers/modules to be closed independently of the GL, but once the GL closes, everything closes.
You may need to find out if the inventory module was re-opened for January.
If your user manual is unclear, use your vendor's support group to take you through the issue and find out how to prevent it in future. That support is normally covered in your annual maintenance fee paid to the vendor.
You need to find out what that "something" is. If you follow Len's recommendations, you still need to track the transaction that posted and it will guide you on how to correct it. You may need to go through your transaction list. Usually they will show the posted date and transaction date. You can also compare balances of the closed month versus what it is today (month-end balance with the errant transaction).
I concur with the above comments, definitely needs to be tracked to understand what caused this to happen. Is it possible your system doesn't actually lock out any previous month posting? Being a
Hi Karen,
Did you actually close the fiscal period in GP? There's a screen with a number of check boxes where you close fiscal periods for the various modules within GP.
If the period was closed, you may want to check security setup to ensure improper parties may not reopen fiscal periods without checking with the proper individuals first.
If neither of these things were the issue, I do have some experience with GP and its inventory module, and know that you may wish to enlist the services of a consultant if you're not familiar with the consequences of modifying specific setup options. If you'd like to troubleshoot yourself, a quick Google search will likely yield some positive results.