I'd welcome comments from anyone who may have had to address this scenario around PCI-DSS and HIPAA compliance:
Imagine this situation: sales staff interact with prospective customers in a public place. Prospects may decide to fill in a paper form for a trial health related service at a large discount; the form includes name, address, DOB etc as well as their credit card details.
After the event, sales staff return to home office and process the forms. This includes enterring personal data into a web based custom application as well as running the credit card through a card processor website. The paper form is retained by the sales staff and is also faxed to a company office, where it is printed.
When the prospect arrives at the office for their trial service, their paperwork is updated with a copy of their health insurance card, and all paper is now efaxed to a shared email account at the billing office. There the efax is printed and stored in a manilla folder.
My concern is that retention of credit card data on paper in various uncontrolled locations is a PCI issue and that moving the paper between offices is a HIPAA issue because of similar issues around access to patient data, including data other than credit card data.
Any one care to add to this?
Many thanks!