Can a non-profit use the same accounting software as a for-profit company? (Like Quickbooks or Peachtree)
Technically, yes, but the degree of extra work will be dependent on how the nonprofit operates. For instance, if you have one main type of funding source and few restrictions, there won't be a big difference. Most nonprofits are not so simple and need fund based
Both QuickBooks Standard and Peachtree Standard allow you to separate income and expenses based on cost centers you assign.
QuickBooks uses classes (departments/programs). Peachtree uses the account number structure to separate cost centers. For example:
Expense Account number without cost center - 5001
Expense Account with cost center - 5001-10
The 10 is the department or cost center you assign to your program or grant.
These programs are inexpensive and will allow your outside
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good non-profit accounting software that is relatively simple and not too expensive?
QuickBooks Premier will accommodate your needs. I setup QB for non profits and you need to structure well your chart of accounts, client/projects, and classes. It should work well when those three elements are setup well together, even for more complex non-profit.
Fund EZ is very inexpensive software designed for not for profits...Current version is significant upgrades. Its not perfect but for the price its good product
If your organization is funded by fees for service and it operates more like a for-profit entity, it probably makes sense to use a standard accounting software package. What is important is to understand accounting for