What are your business travel tips for hassle reduction and/or better productivity?
This is one of those questions that requires a week's answer. Just a few ideas that float to the top:
1. Do not forget to re-hydrate. The longer you are on a plane, the drier you get. Much of jet lag is really dehydration, I am told.
2. Plan ahead for the security check. Besides putting the liquids in the bag, think about your shoes, your computer metal objects, etc., and decide in advance how you will juggle them when the time comes.
3. On International flights get some sleep and drink water all the time. (Did you know that while you are being served those little glasses of water the pilots are required to drink it by the liter?) As for not being able to sleep on airplanes, get an eye shade, one of those neck pillows and efficient earplugs - they can make a huge difference.
Lack of sleep and dehydration will impact your productivity until you correct the situation.
I agree with Thomas that there are many dimensions to the answer.
I try to avoid layover flights, pack in compartments, mail large binders or presentation materials in advance, leave plenty of time for flights, call or check the website of the hotel to check for amenities (gym, hairdryer etc.) in advance.