Which CPA firms do you recommend to provide attest services, audit or review of financial statements, for a small NorCal healthcare business?
NorCal is a pretty large area, but I would recommend Frank Rimmerman. They have several offices around the Bay Area and they used to do work for a company where my relative was
I have had very good experiences with both PWC, although the practice group that I used dealt exclusively with oil and gas, and E & Y.
Moss Adams is a great firm. Good healthcare practice. She is out of San Diego office, but contact Laura Cyphert and she can point you in the right direction--she is focused on healthcare. [email protected].
I would recommend, rsm mcgladrey.
If you are shopping, remember that if they will allow you to put fee pressure on them just to get the work, they will not be the quality audit firm you are looking for.
Second vote for McGladrey.