I have had great fortune in being able to be in the consulting world for ever three years. I am not where I want to be just yet, but I am well on my way. One thing that always frustrated me when I was not my own boss was when my core beliefs, passions, level of accountability, and/or my honesty conflicted with my employer.
In the consulting arena I have tried to endure misalignment with clients and potential clients in regards to these areas as they arise. I was always taught that the customer is always right. However, I found that following this manta has at times made me just as unhappy as when I was not my own boss. I have decided to allow myself a bit of wiggle room.
The customer is always right except:
- When they ask me to do things that I know will add no value to their business.
- They do not treat me with the professional respect I deserve, and I see them not treating their employees the right way.
- They want to treat me as a transaction and not as a relationship
- They take advantage of my commitment to be a true business partners. I once told a client, "You know I will walk into traffic for you, and I am concerned that you might actually ask me to do it!"
Separating from customers (terminating them) is hard, and goes against the mantra "The Customer is Always Right".
However, my performance is fueled my passion and my core beliefs. If a client starts to ask for things and/or puts me in an environment that conflicts with "who I am" as a person then I now have the courage to walk way.
I cherish each and every client and opportunity, but I know when I am at my best, my client's deserve it, and we all deserve to enjoy what we do and how we do it (not every second of every day, but we need boundaries).